Hello! I’m Connie Eriksson
My Specialties

Relationship Issues
Relationships aren’t always easy. Whether you want to fight less, recover from infidelity or just feel closer, I can help.

It’s not just a bad day or a sad mood. Depression steals your joy and can sometimes make it difficult to even get out of bed, be productive, or even enjoy your friends and family.

It feels overwhelming. You can’t turn it off. When well-meaning people tell you to “Just stop worrying,” it only makes it worse. Sometimes it feels like you are going crazy.

Grief and Loss
The loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult hardships we will endure in life. There is no “normal” timeline for grief. Grief counseling can give you the support you need to help you move through your pain and eventually rediscover some of the richness of life.

Life transitions
Life rarely goes as planned. And transitions can feel really scary. Maybe you are questioning the things you thought you knew or wanted. Transitions are also a time of opportunity.

Caregiver Stress
No doubt, caring for a loved one is stressful. It is difficult to balance the needs of everyone in your life, including your own needs. I have years of experience helping caregivers cope with the many physical and emotional challenges of caregiving.

Chronic Illness
Nothing prepares you for life with a chronic or terminal illness. There are so many physical and emotional changes. So many decisions to be made and the people in your life don’t always know how to support you.

Virtual Sessions
Currently offering private, secure, virtual sessions on a HIPAA compliant video platform.
Choosing a therapist
With so many therapists, choosing one can be overwhelming. Who is right for me? Who will help me the most? My best advice, advice that I would give to family and friends, is to pick a therapist who “gets” you. Time and time again, the research shows that the connection the client feels with the therapist is more important to feeling better than any specific technique or treatment used.
What separates me from other therapists
• I am solution focused.
• I am interactive.
• I will listen until you feel understood.
• I excel at taking big concepts and breaking them down into small, actionable steps.
• I curse sometimes (sorry, mom).
• I will help you find new perspectives.
Individual & Couples Therapy

Therapy solves problems!
Therapy can be a dynamic and interactive process that focuses on strengths, helping you to find solutions and reach your goals. Therapy is talking, listening, wondering about different viewpoints, discovering why you may think and act the way you do, and problem-solving. If you are in session with a good therapist, you will feel safe to share the good, the bad and the ugly; the painful and the hilarious. And you will learn tools and strategies for feeling better and becoming better.

Benefits of Therapy
My clients consistently report benefits such as;
- improved mood
- better ability to cope
- more confidence
- less anger
- feeling calmer
- better communication skills
- better relationships
- greater life satisfaction